Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

402 The Living Temple. Part II. felt even thofe Afhílances they have had, and might further have expe&ed, upon the Redeemer's account. All whichTeems to be fumm'd up, as a f a- ted Rule, in that of our Saviour. To him that bath, fhall be given 5 but from him that hash not (where having mani fel<ly includes ufe and improvement) (hall be taken away that which he had. Which latter words mull be taken not for a Prcdic`lion, expreffive of the cer- tain Event, or what (hall be; but a Commination, expreffing what is defer- veil, or molt fulily may be. The true Meaning, or Deign, of a Commina- tion, being, that it may never be ex- ecuted. And to the fame Senfe is that of Prov. r . 235 24, &c. Turn at my Reproof=- --.1 will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my Words unto you : But I called, and they refufed ; I firetched out my hand, and no Man regarded; therefore they pall eat the Fruit of their own Way, &c. ver. 3 Y.