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Part II. The Living Temple. 403 So far then we are r bt without afia- XI. ted Rude, as to thole previous and fàp2r- able Operations of the Spirit of God ; ac- cording wheretó we may expert them - to be continued,' grid' increafed or fear they thallhbe withheld. But npw, becaufe all do more Or le, fs refit, and thereby deierve they fliou1'd ceafe, or comrnir. a forfeiture of them ; and fometimes this Forfeiture is taken, fometimes it is not ; but the grieved Spirit returns, and reinforces his holy Motions, even unto Victory, where, cr when, he í1:a11 do fo, we have no certain publi/hed Rule, whereby to con- clude this way, or that. The Son of God (byconfent with the Father) here ads as a Plenipotentiary, and Soveraign, guickning whom he will. The spirit (by confent withhim) breathes, in order to the vital. Produ lion of Temples, as the Wind- -- where it lfieth ; or for Re- generation, which is the thing there diicours'd of, in all that Context, and even in the next following words, which apply that Similitude, So is every one that is born of the Spirit, Job. 3. v. And we are therefore, elfewhere, warn'd to work out our Salvation with Fear and Dd a :Lrem-