Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

406 The Living Temple. Part IL 2 .) The Duenefs of it. i . By nonlife. 2. By this ,Promifè its 61aving the form of a Cove- nant, reflipdated on their part. 3. From their Date of Soníhipg ,as Regenerate. Adopted. 4e :From their being to receive it by Faith. (2z) Its ample extent, meafured by theCovenant, con f tiered part- ly in aati figpàt®. In aetta. exercito Infers Reconciliati- on, Relation. lhe Summary of the Covenant 'refers to it. The Con( lufion R , the other Purpofe ofinhabiting this Temple, `.when by Regenerati- on it is thus built and prepared, the Re- dcenter gives the spirit upon other terms, wiz, according to the tearour of a certain Rule, declared ancj put,lifhed to the World,' and wherchyT a, Right :thereto accrues t.1rro thete R.qenerate 1Th` Unreg,en' : Cate World, efpecially fich a: by l; i';equenr peiitiances; had Oct forTvfcd a. yacaols Con:ursi- caicii , ,