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Part II. The Living. Temple. 407 cations of that Bleffed Spirit, have no- thing to affure them he will ever rege- nerate them. But, being now regenerate, and thereby formed into Living Tem- ples, they may, uponknown and certain Terms, expel hint to inhabit them as fuch ; and to befiatedly their EMMA- N`ZCh'L, and that as God, even their own. God, (Pf. 67.) he will bier's them, and abide with them, and in them, for that gracious Purpofe. Why elfe hatli he conquered all their Rclatancy, and made them his Temples? It was again ft their (former) mill, but according to his own. He at fi'rfi herein, by rough hevoings might difpleafe them, but he pleafed himfelr, - and fulfilled, hereby, the good pleafure ofhis own Goodnefr, 2 Theff. i. u.- Nor will now leave his People, becaufe it pleafed him to make them his People, Sam. 12. Neither is he -now the le(s pleatd that he is under Bonds, for he put himfeif under them, molt freely, and his GP and Callings are without Repentance, Roru. r. But beingunder Bonds, he nowputs on a diflinct -Capacity, and treats thefe his regenerate Ones under a different no- tion, from that under which he ailed towards other Men, or themfelves be- D d 4 fore.