Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

408 The Living Temple. Part H, fore. Not as an abfolztte, unobliged Soy vereign; that might do, or not do for them as he would : But as a Truflee, managing àTrufl committed to himby the Eternal Father ; as the Oeconomus, the Great Steward of his Family; tho Prime Minifler, and Curator HMMjus enim Yempl4, of all the Affairs of his fimul omnes ; C finga- li, Templa sinus. Hottf and Temple, which they Omnium Concordiam, are, I Cor. ;. 17. All and fi fingulos inhabitare every one : For as vaft as elignatur, non in Omni- this Temple is, where it is bus, quam in fngulis mayor. Quoniam nec made up ofAll ; and as ma- mole difenditur, nec nifold as it is, when every partitione minuitur, one is to him aTingle Tea, ple ; ., Civ.Deibib.IS. Cad. 45, neither is above the Conzpre- henfion , nor beneath the ('ondefcenjon of his Large and Humble Mind. Neither larger Dff ifîon, nor more particular Drflributiosa, fignifying him to begreater or left, in all, in every one. He co takes care of All, as of E9 very One, and of Every One, as if he were the only One, under his care. Id. He is the Fitfl-born among many Ere- dwelt ; and as that imports Dignity, fo it lothEmployment; it being his pa t as fuck to provide for the800d State ®f th0