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Part II. The LivingTemple. 4o9 the Fancily. Which is all named from him, both that part in Heaven, and that on Earth, Eph. 3. 15. Yea, and he may in a true Senfe be i}yl'd the Pater- familiàs, the Father of the Family : Tho' to the Fart in Godhead, he is the Son ; to us he is ftyl'd the everlafting Father, If g. 6. Therefore he is un- der Obligation hereto, by his Father's ..Appointment, and his own Underta- king. And that which he bath obliged himflf to, is togive the HolySpirit, or take continual Care that it be commu- nicated, from time to time, as particu- lar Exigencies, and Occafions, (hall require. It was a thing full of Won- der, that ever he thould be fo far con- cern'd in our Affairs ! But being con- cern'd, fo deeply as we know he hath been ; to be Incarnate for us ; to be made a Sacrifice to God for us, that he might have it in his Power to give the Spirit, having become a Curf for us, that he might be capable ofconferring upon us this Blefjing : 'Tis now no wonder he fhould oblige himfelf to a continual conflant Care that his own great and kind Delign should now not be loft, or rnifcarry. After he had. en- , gag'd