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41 o The Living Temple. Part II. gag'd himfeiffo deeply in this Delign for his Redeemed, could he decline fur- ther Obligation ? And his Obligation creates their right, entitles them to this mighty Gift ofhis own Spirit! Concerning which we [hall confider Dueness The Greatnefs, or of this Gift. Amplitude Or Thew, that, as their Cafe is nowmated, upon their Regene- ration, they have a pleadable Right to this high Priviledge, the continued Communicati- on of the Spirit. And next Thew, ofhow large Extent this Priviledge is, and how great things are contained in it. I fcruple not to call it a Gift, and yet at the fame time to affert their right to it, to whom it is given : Not doubt- ing but every one will fee a right ac- cruing by Free-Promife (as we [hall chew this Both) deraEs nothing from the Freenefs of the Gift. When the ,Promife only, with what we [hall fee is