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Part II. The Living Temple. 411 is dire&ly confequent, produces or creates this right, 'tis ui conceivable that this Creature, by relulting naturally, íhould injure its own 'Parent, or Pro- du Caufe ; We (hall, therefore, fay fomewhat briefly. I. Of the.Duenefs of this continued II. Indwelling Prefence of the Bleffed Spi- rit to the Regenerate : (intending to fpeak, more la geld , of the Amplitude, and .'xtenfvenef of it, on the account afterwards to be given) And (i.) I4 is due (as bath been intima- ted) by Pro aife. It is exprelly Paid to be the Prounfe rfthe Spirit, Gat. 3.. 14. But to whom ? To the Regenerate, to them wh:) are born after the Spirit, as may be fèen at large, ch. 4. Thefe (as it after follow' s) are the Children and Heirs of the Fromife, which muff principally mean this Promife, as it is eminently called, Acs 2. 38. Repent (which connotes Regeneration) and ye (hall receive the Boly Ghofl, for the Pro7 "gift is to you, &C. and to many as the LordJhall call r Which Calling, when eff'ectual, includes Regeneration. When kph. J. z 3. this Bleffed Spirit is called the