Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

4 i 2 The Living Temple. Part II. the Spirit ofPromif , what can that mean but thepromifed Spirit ? (2.) Their Right is the more evi- dent ; and what is promifed the more apparently due, in that the Promifehath received the Form o fa Covenant, where- by theCovenanters have a more ftrong- ly pleadable Right and Claim. To which the reft of Men have no Inch Pretence. It is true, that we mutt diftinguifll ofthe Covenant, Propofed, As and Enfr d. The Propofal of it is in very general Terms, Ho. every one that Thirfls If. 55. i. Encline your Ear---- and I will make an tverlafling Covenant with you - -- ver. 3. And fo it gives a remote, future Right to Inch as (hall enter in- to it : But only they have a prefent actu- al Right to what it contains, that have entered into it : And their Plea is strong, having this to fay 5 " 1 have " not only an indefinite, or lefs deter- 44 minat Promife to rely upon; but a Promife upon Terms exnrefs'd, " which I have agreed to 5 and there 6i is