Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part It The Living Temple. 4 t, is now a mutual Stipulation between " God and me : He offered hinife f, and " demanded me i I have accepted hint, 44 and givenmyfelt: And hereupon I 44 humbly expeaand claim all further " needfull Communications ofhisSpi- rit, as the principal promife hlefliing " of this Covenant. Such a one may therefore fay, as the Pfalntift Bath taught him, Remember thy Word to thy Servant, in which thou haft caufed me to hope, Pf. I29. 49. I had never lookt for fuch quickning Influences, if thou hadft not caufed me, and been the Au- thor to me of fuch an ExpeEtation. Now as thou haft quickned me by thy Word, ver. 5o. fo quickening me accor- ding to thy Word. 1 wi?l put my Spirit withinyou, is a principal Article ofthis Covenant, Ezek, 36. 27. And this Expreffìon ofputting the Spirit within, muff fignify not a light touch upon the Soul of a Man, but tofettle, it as in the innermoft Center ofthe Soul, in order toa fixed Abode. And how facred is the Bond of this Covenant! it is founded in the Blood of the Mediatour of it : This is, as he him- felffpeaks, the New Teftament (or C6 tenant) in. my Blood, Luk, 22. ao. There- 5