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414 The Living Temple. Part If. Therefore is this, in a varied phrafe, faid to be the Blood of the Covenant: And therefore is this Covenant faid to be Everlafting, Hebr. 13. 2o. refer- ring to a known Maxim among theHe- brews,- Pails, confirmed by Blood, (fanguinefancita) can never be abolijhed. The God ofPeace---- by the Blood of the Everlafting Covenant, makeyou perfeii in every good Work Which muff imply a continual Communication of the Spi- rit; for it is alfo added, to do always what is roeli-pleafing in hisfight Which who can do without fuch continual Aids ? Coming to jeftts the Mediator of the New Covenant, we come to the blood ofSprinkling, Heb. 12. 24. He could not mediate for us upon other Terms and upon thole, obtains for us the better Promifes, Spiritual Blejlings in Heaven- ly Thing, Eph. r. 3. And further, this Covenant is rati- fy'd by his Oath, who formed and made it : My Covenant will Inot break--Once have Ifrprn, Pf. 89. 34, 35. By theft two imnv tatle things, (even to our ap- prehenfion) 'tis impolpible for God to Lye, Heb. 6. i y, 18. Re-