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Part II. The Living Temple. 4t 5 Regeneration is the building of this Temple ; Covenanting, onour part, con- tains the Dedication of it : And what then can follow but constant Pofffien and Lfe. 3. The Regenerate, as fuch, are Sons, both by receiving a newNature, even a divine, 2 Pet. T. 4. in their Regenera- tion ; and a new Title, in (what is al- ways conjun&) their Adoption. Now, hereupon the continual Supplies of the Spirit in this Houfe (or Temple) of his are the Childrens Bread, Luk. I I. 13. Becaufe they are Sons, therefore God fends the Spirit of his Son into their Hearts, Gal. 4.6. And he is hyl'd the Spirit of Adoption, Korn. 8. F 4, 15. Therefore have a right to the Provif- ons of their Father's Houfe. (4.) The Spirit is unto thefe Chil- dren of God given upon their Faith; which muff certainly fuppofe their pre- viousTitle for the Ground of it. They receive the Promife of the Spirit by Faith, Gal. 3. 14. As by Faith they are God's Children, ver. 26. Receiving the Son, who was eminently fo, and to whom the Sonfhip didprimarily, or originally be-