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416 The Living Temple. Part belong ; and believing in his Name, they 1540. thereupon have Power (or Right) to become the Sons ofGod, Joh. r. 12. Be- ing herein, allo regenerate, born not of Flefh and Blood, --- =but of God. And thus, by Faith, receiving him 9 by Faith, they retain him, or have him a- biding in them, as he abides in them For the Union is intimate and mutual, Joh. 5. They, firs'', receive him upon the Gofpel offer, which, as was faid, gave them a remote right, andnow retain him, as having an aflual right. He dwells in the Heart by Faith, Eph. 3. 17. But what he dash, in this refpeil, his Spirit Both; fo he explains himfelf: When in thole yaledicoryChapters of St. :John's Gofpel, a 4, 15, 16. He promifes his difconfolate Difciples, he would come to them, he wouldfee them, he would manifefl himfelf to them, he would abide with them, within a little while theyfhould fee him, &c. intimates to them, that he principally meant all this of a Prefence to be vouchfafed them by his Spirit, Ch. 14. ver. 16, 17, 18, 19. And he concerns the Father alto with himfelf in the fame fort of Commerce, ver. 20. At that Day ye Pall know that I am in my Father, and .yo,'