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Part II. The Living Temple, 417 you in me, and I in you, (as allo ver. a r, & 25.) Thus in another place, we find the Spirit protnifcuouíly ípoken of, as the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Chrift and the Inbeing, or Indwelling ofChrift, and of the Spirit, ufed as exprefons fig- nifying the fame thing ; when allo the Operation ofGod is fpoken of by the fame Indwelling Spirit, Korn. 8. g, I o, II. Which an eminent Father obferving, 57r4 takes o :cafion to (peak of thejoynt fence,of the feveral Perfons of the Tri- nity, with fuch, with whom any one is7i6'°`7"lf° srynzeds. preCent, becaufe each bears it felf inf- à nxrà parably towards the other, and is united cWS--1 moft intimately therewith, Tberefoev- Chry, in er one Hypo(iafs (or Perfon, as by the guiil, ad Latines we are taught to fpeak) is prefent Roman. there, the. whole Trinity is prefnt__- A- mazing thing ! That the Glorious Sub - fifients in the Eternal Godhead, fhould fo concenter in kind Defign, Influence and Operation towards a defpicable impure Worm ! But this Conjune`Iion infers no Confu- ion ; breaks not theorder, wherein each feverally ads towards one end. But that,hotwithflanding,we tuayconceive Me Ilan;