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418 The Living Temple. Part II. fromwhom, through whom, and by whom what was lately a ruinous Heap is be- come an animated Temple, inhabited by the Divine Prefence, wherein we ought not to forget, how eminent and confpiLuous the part is of our Lord Chrift, and upon how cooly Terms he obtained, that the Bleffed Spirit fhould fo flatedl, and upon a right claimaùle by Faith, employ his mighty Agency in this molt gracious and won derfulUndertaking ! being (as hathbeen obferved) made a Curfe for us, that we might receive the promife of the Spi- rit by Faith, Gal. 3. 13, 14. Whence alfo it is faid that after our believing we arePealed with the Spirit of Fror4/e, Eph. i . 13. i. e. By that Seal, by which Godknows, or owns, or ac- knowledges, them that are his, 2 Tim. 2. 19. Tho' they may not always know it thetnfelves. Hereupon, alfo, our Lord hath affured us ; from them that believe in him, gallflow (as out of the Belly ofaConduit) Rivers of Living Waters, which 'tis faid he fpoke of the Spirit, which they that believedJhould re- ceive, Joh. 7. 37. Much