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Part H. The Living Temple. 419 Much more might be alledg'd from many Texts of the Old and New Testa- ment toevince the right whichBelievers, or they who are God's more peculiar People,have to the abiding Indwelling Prefence of his Spirit, as the Inhabitant of that Temple which they are now become. But that Matter being plain, we (hall III® proceed to what was next propofed 5 to {hew : (2.) The ample Extent, and Com- prehenfivenefs ofthis Privitedge, which I íhall the rather enlarge upon, that from thence we may have the clearer Ground upon which afterwards to ar- gue; How highly reafonable and con- gruous it was, that fo great a thing, and of fo manifefl Importance to God's having a Temple, and Residence, a mono, Men {hould not be otherwife communicated than inand by EMMA- NUEL ; the Founder, and Reftorer of this Temple. And