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Part IL The Living Temple. 15 ftence, or Stibfftence ? And when we are to be as random a Guefs, what is in- tended by being in itfelf? Whether be- ing only contain'd, or being alfo fu-. itain'd in, and by, or of itfelf ? And fuppofing this later to be meant, whe- ther that Self-Subfiftence exclude Depen- dence only on mother, as a Subject, which we acknowledge true of all Sub- fiance ; or Dependence as on anefficient 9 which if he will have to be taken for true of all, he was in reafon to expec` it íhould be fo taken from his effeaual Proof, not from the Reverence of his Authority only : For what he adds, [And that is conceived by itfelf; and whole Conception needs not the Conception of any other thing, by which it ought to beform'd] Would he have us believe this to be true, when, afterward, his loth Propo- fition is, [That every Attribute ofSubftance ought to be conceived by itfelf?]Whereupon then fo many Attributes, fo many Sub- fiances, it being the Nature of a Sub- fiance to be conceived by itfelf. But, palling from his Notion of a Sub- flame, let us confider, 2dly, How it proves hisPropofition, that two Subfan- ces, having different Attributes, have no- thing Common between, then!. According tohim, every AttributeofSubftance is to be Vp