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42 o The LivingTemple. Part H. And we cannot have a truer, or f rer meafirre, of the Amplitude and Exten- fivenefs of this Gift, than the extent and comprekenfivenefr of the Covenant it felf, to which it belongs. To which purpofe, let it be confi- dered that this Covenant ofGod in Chr, of which we are now (peaking, may be look's upon two ways ; i. e. We mayview it abjiraWy, taking the Frame and Model of it, as it were [in ac/ufgnato] to be col leered and gather'd out of theH. Scriptures. Or we may look upon it as [in ac/u exercito] viz,. as it is now tranfaCted, and entred into, by the Blefjed God, and this, or that, awakened, confider- ing, predifpofedSoul. 'Slow here, I. Take it the former way, and you find this Article, concerning the Gift or Communication ofthe .Holy Ghofl 5 {land- ing £here, as one great Grant contained in the Gofpel Covenant. And 'tis ob- vious to obferve, as it is placed there, what Afpecf it hath uponboth the parts of