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Part II. The Living Temple. 42 t of the Covenant, I will be your Gad --- You (doll be my People. Which will be Peen, if 2. You confider. this Covenant as actually entred into, or as the Cove- nanting Parties are treating; the one, to draw the other to enter this Cove- nant : And fo we {hall fee that our con- fent, both that God (hall be our God, and that we will be of his People, with all previous Inclinations thereto, and what immediately refults from our Covenanting, do all depend upon this Communication of the Spirit : Andaf- terwards, neither can he do the part ofa God to us, nor we, the part that belongs to his People towards him. By all which we {hall fee the vafl extent of the Gift : It is the Mediator's part to bring the Co- venanting Parties together. He is, therefore, faid to be the Mediatour of the New Covenant, Heb. 12. 24. He rendred it pofi'ible, by the Merit of his Blood, that the offended Majefly of Heaven might, without Injury to him- felf, confent ; and that the Spirit might be given to procure our Confent, which, as Mediatour or EMMAN'Z)EL, he gives : When he gives it in fo co- pious an Effufion, as to be viaorious, E e 3 to