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42 2 The Living Temple. Part H. toconquer our Averfion, and make us ceafe to be Rebellious, then he enters todwell, Pf. 68. i 8. Till then, there is no a&ual Covenanting ; no plenary Confent, on our part, to what is pro- pofed in the Covenant, in either re- fpe&t : We neither agree that God fhall be our God, nor that we will be of his People. This (peaks this Gift a great thing, and of vaft extent, looking for the prefent upon the two parts of the Covenant fummarily : And afterwards confidering what eachpart more parti- cularly contains in it. But if, in pra- aice, it be fo far done, as is requifite to a judicious and preponderating De- termination of Will, (which may yet afterwards admit of higher degrees) Flow great a thing is nowdone ! Their State is diftinguifht from theirs whoare Strangers to the Covenant, who are without Chris, and without God in the World. From hence refults, i. An exprefs Reconciliation between Cod and thee : For this is a League of Friendfhip, Enmity ceafing.