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Part II. The Living Temple. 423 2. A fixed f ecial Relation, Ezek. x 6. a. I entred intoCovenant with thee,faith the Lord God, and thou becamesri mine. How great and high aPriviledge! Rela- tions are Paid to be ofminute Entity,but great Eficacy. And 'tis obfervable what thePhilofopher (as he was wont to be called) fays of them that their whole Being, viz. of the things related is to a- Ar. pother , admirable ! all the Divine 'fi° T9. Being related to me a Worm ! And that all this may be the plainer, 1. let us but confider, were dJtinL ly what thegreat Summary ofGod's part of this Covenant contains ; what is the moll principal Promfle of it ; the Dependance of our part thereon; upon what Terms that, which is difiinc;` , is promifed ; oio far what is diflin c lypro. fed, is coinci- dent with this Gift of the indwelling Spi- rit, both in refpea of this prefent, and thefuture eternal State. I. The known and ufual Summary of this Coveant, on God's part, is, I WILL BE, THEIR. GOD ; as it is fet down in many places of both `li efla- ments. E e 4 Now,