Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

424. The Living Temple. Part If. Now, What can be meant, more principally, by his being their God, than giving them. his Indwelling Spirit ? Wherein, without it, can he do the part of a God to them ? By it he both governs andfatisfies them : Is both their Supreme andSoveraign Lord, in the one regard : And their Supreme and Sove- raignGood, in the other. Loth being their God intend no more than an emp- ty Title ? Or, what would be their fo great Advantage, in having only a no- minal God ? Yea, and he is pleafed himfelf to expound it of his continued gracious Pretence, 2 Cor. 6. 16. I trill dwell in them, and walk in them and I will be their God ; alluding to his con- tinuing his Tabernacle among them, as is promifed, Lev. 26. II, 12. IWillfit rvey Tabernacle. among you, and my Soul (hall not abhoryou, and Iwill walk among you, and I will beyour God, &c. And what did that Tabernacle fignify but this Living Temple, whereof we i;peak, as a certain Type, and Shadow of it ? Agreeably whereto his Covenant is ex- pre1, with evident reference to the Days ofthe Gofpel, and the time of the e fàah's Kingdom ( plainly meant by David's being their King and Prince for ever )