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Part II. The Living Temple. 42 5 ever) Ezek 37. 24, 25, 26, 27. Da- vid, my Servant, (hall be King over them (ipoken many an Age after he was dead and gone ---and their Prince for ever. Moreover, Iwill make a Covenant of Peace with them, it Pall be an ever- lafling Covenant with them, and will fit my Santxary in the midfl ofthemfor ever more. My Tabernacle alfo (hall be with them y yea, I will be their God. That Yea, the exegetical Note, is obferva- ble, my SanL1uary and Tabernacle(hall be with them, (i. e. I will dwell in them, as it is expounded before, 2 Cor. 6.16. And could it be _.leant ofan uninhabit- ed defolate SanEluary, or Tabernacle, that fhould be with them for ever more?) And why is this his conflant in- habitingPrefence to be with them ? The emphatical Yea, with what follows, in- forms us, Tea, I will be their God. q. d. I have undertaken to be their God, which I cannot make good unto them, if I afford them not my IndwellingPre- fence. Tobe to them a diflant God, a God afar of, can neither anfwer nay Co- venant, nor the exigency of their Café. They will but have a God, and noGod, if they have not with them, and in them, a divine, vital, infpiriting, in- ac'uating