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426 The Lining Temple. Part I . a&tuating Prefence, to govern, quicken, feipport, and fatisfy them, and fill them with an All-fuflicient Fulnefs. They would foon, otherwife, be an Habitation for Ziirn andOchim, or be the Temple but of Idol-Gods. It is therefore evident that this Sum- mary ofGod's part of his Covenant, I will be their God, very principally in- tends his dwelling in them by his Spirit. V. And the Reftipulation, on their part, to be his People, (which is generally ad- ded inall the places, wherein the other part is expreffed) fignifies their Faith, bywhich they take holdofhis Covenant, accept him to be their Cod, dedicate . themfelves to be his People, his Peculiar, his Manfion, his Temple, wherein he may dwell. Now this theirfelf-refgn- ing Faith, taken in itsjufi Latitude, car- ries with it a twofold reference to Him, as their Soveraign Lord, as their Safe raign Good 5 whom, above all other, they are to obey and enjoy. But can . they obey him, if he do not put his Jtpirit into them, to write his Law in their Hearts, and caufe them to walk in his Statutes, Ezek. 36. 2 7. Ter. 5 1 3 5 Or can they enjoy him, if the love him not