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Part H. The Living Temple. 427 not as their befit Good ; which Love is the knownFruit ofhis Spirit. Where- upon, after fuch felf=refgnation, and dedication, what remains, but that the Houfe ofthe Lord befilled with the Glory of the Lord, as 2 Chron. 7. 2. 2. Let us confider what is the ex- prefs, more peculiar Old of the Promi- fes of this Covenant, in the Chrifian ContradíflinF to the Mofaical Admini- firation of it. It is evident, in thege- neral, that thePromifes ofthe Gofpel Co- venant are, in their nature and kind, compared with thofe that belonged to theMofaical Difpenfation, more fpiri- tual, therefore called better promifes, Heb. 8. 6. They are not Promifes of Secular Felicity, of external Profperity, Peace, and Plenty, as thofe other moll exprefly were. 'Tis true, indeed, that the Covenant with Ifrael, with .Abra- braham, Ifaac, and Jacob, and their Seed, was not exclufve of fpiritual good things. For the Communication of the Spirit was (as hath been noted) the BleJng of Abraham, Gal. 3. T4. and that, as he was theFather of that People, the Head of a Community, now to be much more extended, and take in the Gentiles, the time being come,