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4 ? S The Living Temple. Part II. come, when all Nations were to be Blef fed in him, which is faid to be the. Gofpel, that was preached to Abraham, Gal. 3.8. But, in the mean time, the Spirit was given lefs generally, and in a much lower meafire j wherefore, in that purpofed Comparifon, 2 Cor. 3. between the legal and the evangelical Difpenfation 5 tho' a certain glory did attend theformer, yet that glory is faid to be no glory, in refpeff of the fo much excelling Glory of this latter, vere zo. And the thing wherein it fo highly excelled, was the much more co- pious efifionof the Spirit. That where- as, under theformer Difpenfation, Mo- fes was read for many Ages, with little efficacy, a Vail being upon the Peoples . hearts, fignify'd by the (myfiicalO.. Vail, wherewith, when he converted: with them, he was wont to cover his Face ; that comparative inefficacy pro- ceeding from hence that little of the Light, Life, and Power of the Spirit accompany'd thit D fpenfation : Now, under the Gofpel Difpenfation, the glory ofthe Lord was to be behcld,as in a Glafr, withunvailed Face, fo as that, behold- ing it, we might be changed (fo great an Efficacy and .Power went with it) into