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Part II. The Living Temple. 09 into thefame lilzenefs, from Glory to Glo- ry, as by the Spirit of the Lord ; which is the Scope of the latter part of that Chap. from ver. t o. to the 18. How Dorus great was the Splendour and Magnifi DPI , cence of Solomon's Temple, yet how7- czeturw. much more Glorious is that which is rum No-: built of Living Stones ! And as the vigm whole Frame ofthat former Oeconom y v d'is b,-u f Con- was alwayslefs Spiritual, a lower mea-glomFor fureof the Spirit always accompanying 9r it; fo when it Rood in competition, z` ; s as corrival to the Chrillian DiJpen% ation , a onó being hereupon quite deferted by the coq,-2,7- Spirit, 'tis fpoken of as weak, worldly urn'115c. carnal, and beggarly, Gal. 4. 9. Col. 2. ci4g.Dei. 20. Heb. 9. 2, ió. Therefore the A- L. is. C pofile expo(tulates with the Galatian45. Chrftians, verging towards yudaif ; Received ye the Spirit by the Works ófthe Law, or by the hearing of Faith ? Are yefo foolfli, having begun in the Spirit, are you nowmade perfea by the Flefh ? Gal. 3. 2, 3. and Chap. 4. from ver. 22, to 32. Speaking of the two Cove- nants, under Allegorical Reprefentation, he makes the former,given upon _Mount Sinai, to be fignify'd by Agar the Bond-woman, and by the terre(Irial je- rufalem, which was then in Bondage, with