x 3 The Living temple. Part II, be conceiv'd by itfelf ; and yet have one and the fame Subftance common to them all. Therefore, thediftinaConception of things is even with him, no reafon, why they Ihould have nothing common between them. But, its to the thing itfif he muff have fomewhat more enforcing than his Defi- nition ofa Subftance, to prove that two (or many) individual Subftances may not have the fame fpecial Nature common to them, and yet be conceiv'd by them- felves ; having different individual Na, tures, or Attributes; or different fpecial Nature r, having the famegeneral Nature. Yea, and an equal dependence on the fame Common Caufe, which is left gredient into the Conception of a thing, than thegeneral orfpecial Nature is. And, I doubt not, we (hall find he bath not difprov'd, but that there is fomewhat, in a true fenfe, common to them, and their Garrfe, that is of a Conception much more vailly different from them both. Whereupon, it is unneceffary to take diftinct Notice of his 3d. Propoliition, [What things have nothing common between then,, oftbem the one, cannot he the Caufe ofthe other] In which nothing is to be peculiarly animadverted on, betides the Contradifion in the very Terms, where-