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430 The Living Temple. Part II. with her children, asproduE ive but of afervile Race, born after the Flethon- ly, as Ifbmael was, deflitute of the Di- vine Spirit (which where it is, there is Liberty, 2 Cor. 3. 17.) the other by Sa- rah, a Free - woman, and by the cteleflial Jerufalem, which is free, with her Children, all born from above, of the DivineSpirit, (yoh. 3. 3, 5. as eivWaly there fignifies) which Spiritual Seed, fignifi,i by . 'fiac, are faid, at once, to be born afte, the Spirit, andby Promif ver. 23, 28, 29. And this can import no lefs than, that theAncient Promife, (given long before the Law, upon .Mount Sinai, viz. 430 Years, Gal. 4. 17. and exprefly called the Covenant of God, in Christ 5 moft eminently to be made good in theDays of the Gofpel, after the Ceffation of the .2 Iofrical In- flitution, as it was made before it) inuft principally mean the Promife of the Spi- rit. Which is moll plain from that of the A,poílle Peter to his convinced, iieart-wounded Hearers, AL`TI. 2. 33, 39. Repent and be Baptized, every one of you, in the Name of jefns Chriji, for the Remifxon of Sins, and ye Tall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghoft [for the Pro- ndife3 is unto you, and your Children, and