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Part II. The Living Temple. 43 L and to all that are afar of Promife not being to be confined to them and their Children, but to reach the Gen- tiles alfo, as Gal. 3.14.) even as many, as the Lord our Godfball call. And fiire- ly that which is, by way of Excellency, called the Promife, muff be the more principal Prornife of this Covenant ; which it is alfo.fignify'd to be, in that Account given of it by the Prophets, Ifa. 44. 3. 8c 59. 20, 21. Jer. 31. 33- quoted Heb. 8. it). (where tho' the Spirit be not exprefly named, yet thofe effects of it are, which manifeftly fup- pofe it) and Ezek. 36. 25, 27. Joel 2.. 28. this New Covenant is diftin- guifht from the former, by the more certain, more general, and more ei- carious Communication of the Spirit promifed in it, as is plainly innplyed, jer. 31. and (which refers thereto) Heb.8. 9, I.O, II. 3. It will further tend to evidence, that the Spirit is given, as a fettled In- habitant, upon the known terms of this Covenant ; if we confider upon' what terms, is promifed, what is di%iincty, but, however, moll cànjzrnttly promi- fed therewith, viz.. all the relative Grace VI.