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`2 The Living Temple. Part IL Grace of f fication, Pardon of Sin; and Adoption; which are promifed, as is apparent, in thefame covenant, and upon Faith, which is our taking hold of, and entering into, the Covenant, our accepting God in Chri(i to be our God, andgiving up our felves to be his People; and is ( according to that Latitude, wherein Faith is commonly taken) in- cluGve of Repentance. For a Sinner, one before in a State of Apoftacy from God, cannot take him to be his God, but, in fo doing, he muft exercife Re- pentance towards God. His very Aft of taking him, in Chrif}, is turning to him through Chriít, from the Sin, by which he had departed, and apofta- tiz'd from him before. Therefore mutt the Indwelling Spirit be given, upon the fame certain, and known Terms, as is alto expreffed in ( the before- mention'd) Gal. 3. 14. Ephef. 1.13.E &.c.Ars a. 38, 39: 4. Now Faith and Repentance be- ing firfi given in forming God's Temple , confider, how coincident the Gift ofthe Spirit, as an Inhabitant; is with Remiffion oFSin, or with what- foever Relative Grace, as fuch, is di- ainc`t from that whi.:h is inherent, fub- jeded