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Part IL The Living Temple. 43 3 jeEted in the Soul it felf, and really tranfmutative of its SubjeC. But we are to confiderwithal], howmanifeft- ly the latter of thefe is involved in the former. Giving the Spirit (the Root, and Original of SubjeF, live Grace) im- plies two things ; I. Conferring a Right to it. 2. ACtual Communica- tion. The former belongs to Rela- tive Grace, the latter to lceaí (as they commonly diftinguilh) ; bu : the for- tiler is in order to the latter, and the lat- ter molt certainly follows upon the former : Both are fignify'd by one name of Giving ; and do both, in a fort, make one entire legal Ae (though there arediftind phylical ones), which the former (ufually) begins, and the latter confummates. Divers things are herein not given, but only Title to, and thepoffefon of thefarite thing ; nor by divers Donations ; but by the Contur- rence of fuch things, as are requifite to make up one and thefarce. And let it now be confidered, what VII, there is prornifed in the Gfpel-Cove- pant, befid.s whit mly be comprehen- ded in the Gift of the Spirit. Ff