Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

434 The Living Temple. Part IL We will, firfl, fet afide what is ma- nifefily not promifed in it befides; and then, more clofely, enquire about what may feem diflinhly promifed, and fee in how great part that refidue will be reducible hither. Y. As towhat is manifefilynot pro- mifed betides ; it is plain, there is not promifed in it a part, and portion in a particular Land or Country on Faith, as there was in the Old Covenant (contra- diflinguifht to this Nero One) to Abra- ham, ffaac, and Jacob, and their Seed, which Land was, we know, called the LandofPromife; and unto which the Body of that People had fo certain a Title, upon the Condition of their continued Obedience, that they were fore never to be removed out ofit, or if they had made a general Def' ion, and were thereupon forfaken of God, and given up to invading Enemies, that fbould di poffefs them, they were as fore, upon their general Repentance, to be refiored, and fettled there again, as may be Peen in Solomon's Prayer, at the Dedicationofthe Temple, and God's molt gracious and particular Anfwer thereto, and in divers places of the Old refiament befidesr If