Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II The Lz'ii, g Teeple. 43 5 ifparticalar.Perfmns brake.thi,s Cove. nant, ` by Fjf:°r Tranfgrejfions, they were to be cut cjTfrom thisgood Land, and; by Mofs's Law, at the mouth if two, or three ifiine es, to dye without Mercy ; 'and fo, ny fuch Execution of yuftice, the Body of the People was kept fàfe fromDivine JDifpleafsre 5' the Land was not defiled, fo as. to, t7ue out. its In- habitants. But if the People did generally re- volt, fo as that the ordinary Methods of punitive 70ice could have no place, God took the Matter into his -own hands, and did jugice upon them hint - felf, by carting them out. This is the Covenant which,. 'tis faid, they brake, Jer. 31. and bleb. 8. The NewGofbel Covenant is apparently of no fuch im- port, or hath no fuch Additament to the Spiiritnal Bleflings of it.. Nor again loth it promiCe more in- definitely, temporal Bleliings of any kind, with certainty, ufon any Con dition w.hatfoever, even ofthe higheft Faith, the mock fervent Love to God, or the mofi accurate Obedience, and irreprehenfìiale Sanity, attainable on Earth--. as if the bet., and holielk Men fhouid.therefore be any whit the more ` F f 2 a ffia re4.1