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436 The Living Temple. Part II. affured of confiant Health, Eafe, Opu- lency, or Peace in this World. We know the ordinary Courfe of Providence (which cannot juftly beunderftood to be a Mifinterpreter of God's Covenant) runs much otherwife. And that Inch things as concern the good Eftate of our Spirits, and inward Man, are the only things we can, upon any Terms, be fure of, by this Covenant, the te- nour of it not warranting us to look upon external good things, as other- wife promifed, than fo far, as they may be fubfervient to thefe, and to our better ferving the Intereft and Honour ofGod, and the Redeemer ; ofwhich things he referves the Judgment to himfelf ; and untowhom, by this Co- venant, we abfolutely devote our felves, to f rve and glorify him, in his own way, and in whatfoever external Circumfiances, his Wifdom and good Pleafure (hall order for us ; being our felves only affured ofthis, in the gene- ral, That all thingsJball worktogether for good to us, ifwe love him, &c. but Bill efteeming it our highefi Good (as w. cannot but do, if we love him as we ought) to be moft ferviceable to his Glo- ry, and conformable, in our habitual temper,