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Part H. The Living Temple. 43 7 temper, to his Will. Spiritual good things, then, are by the tenour of this Covenant, our onlycertainties. Other things indeed cannot be the matter of abfolute univerfal Promife. Their Na- ture refufes it, and makes them unca- pable. They are but of a mutable Goodnefs ; may be fometimes, in refe- rence to our great End, good for us ; and fometimes, or in fome Circum- fiances, evil, and prejudicial : And be- ing in a poffibility to become evil, in that relative fenfe, (as what hinders a greater good, is then an evil) if they e- ver be aaually fo they are then no longer matter of a Promife. The Pro- mife would, in that cafe, ceafe to be a Promife; For can there be a Promife of an Evil ? It would then neceífarily de- generate, and turn into a Threat- ning. But it may be faid of thole good VIIL things that areofan higher hind, and and Nature, that refpe& our Souls and our States Godward, there feem to be forge vaftly different from this ofgiving the Spirit. Therefore, Ff3 2,We