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438 The Living Temple. Part II. 2. We are next to enquire what they are, and howfar they may befound to fall into this. Rerniflion of Sin is moil obvious, and cones firer in view, upon this ac- count. And let us bethink our felves, what it is. We will take it for grant- ed, that it is nota sneer concealed Will, or Parpof to Pardo' r n, on the onehand ; for no one in common Speech takes it fo. A parrpofe to do a thing fignifies it not yet to be done nor racer not pu- nijhing, on the other. If one fhould be never fo long only forborn, and not punifhed, he may yet be ftill punifha- ble, and will be always fo, if he be yet guilty. 'Iris therefore fuch an a&, as doth, in Law, take away Guilt, vii,. the reatam pence, or diffolve the Qbli7 gation to fuller Punifhment. It is therefore to be confidered, what Punifhent a Sinner was, by the viola- ted Law of Works and Nature, liable to in this World, or in the World to come and then what ofthis, is, by vertue of the Redeemer's Sacrifice, and Covenant remitted. He was liable to whatfoever Miferies, in this Life, Cod fhould pléafe to jnflidi _ to temporal Death; and