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Part IL The Living Temple. 439 and to a State of Mifery hereafter, all .comprehended in this threatning, Moo fhaIt die the Death, if we will take fol- lowing Scriptures, and Providences for a Commentary Capon it. Now the Miferies to which the Sin- ner was liable in this World, were ei- ther' external, or internal. Thofe of theformer fort, the heft: Men, ft ll.l-iere- main liable to. Thofe of the inner Man were certainly the greater, both in themfelves, and in their Tendency, and Confe;juence; efpecially fuck' as fiand in the ill Difpohtions of Mens Minds and Spirits Codward, Unap- prehenfivenefs ofhim, Alienation from h irn, williugnefs to be as without him in the World. For that the Spirits of Men thouldbe thus difatfeChed, and in this averfe Poaure towards God, in whomonly it could be poffible to them to be happy, how could it but be rnoft pernicious to them, and vc rrually corn- prehenfive of the worf1 Miferies ? And whence carne thefe Evils to fall into the reafonable intelligent Mind and Sprit of Man? Was it by God's Infufion ? Abhor'd be that black Thought ! could it be, if they were not forfaken of God, and the Holy Light, and In- £ 4 fluence