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440 The Living Temple. Part II. fiance ofhis Spirit werenot withheld; But is more Evil infliaed upon Men than either the Threatning, or the Sen- tence of the Law contain'd ? That were to fay, he is punifht above legal defrt, and beyond what it drily belong- ed to him to fuffer. Experience {hews this to be the Common Café of Men. And did that Threatning, and Sentence concern Adam only, and not his Po- fterity ? How then come they to be Mortal, and otherwìfe externally mi- ferable in this World, as well as he ? But how plainly is the Matter put out ofdoubt,thp: the Sufpenfionof the Spi- rit is part (and it cannot but be the molt eminent part) of the Curie of the Law, by that ofthe Apoítle, Chrifl bath redeemed us from the Curfe of the Law, being made a Curie for its, that this Blef-. ling -might come upon ps(even the Gen- tiles, as well as Abraham's Seed) that we might receive the Promif of the Spi- rit ? Gal. ,. 13, 14. But nowwhat is there ofall the Mi- fery duly incumbent upon Man) in this World, by the Conflitution of that Law of Works, and Nature remitted, and taken off by vertne of the Covenant or Law of Grace, or Faith, from them that