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Part IT The Living Temple. 44i that haT, tal-en hold of it, or entred into ir. Who dare fay, God Both not keep Covenant :pith them ? And we find they die as well as other Mien ; and are as much fubjeft to the many Inconveniencies, and Grievances of Humane Life. And 'tis not worth the while to talk of tile meer Notion, un- der which they fuffer them. 'Tis evi- dent that God loth them no wrong, in letting them be their Lot ; and therefore, that, as they were, by the Law of Nature, deferved ; fo God hathnot obliged himfelf, by the Co- venant, or Law of Grace, to take, or keep them off ; for then Purely he had kept his word. That he bath obliged himfelf to do that, which is more, and a greater thing, to blefs, and fanetify them to their Advantage, and gain, in higher RefpeEts, isplain, and out of queffion. Which ferves our prefent purpofe, and croffis it nor. For, upon the whole, that which remains the actual Matter of Renzi] aon, in this T iorld, is whatfoever of thofe Spiritual Evils would be neceffarily con- fequent upon the total Reffrainr, and withholdingof the Spirit. And.