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442 The Living Temple. Part II. And that this is the Retlaifflon ofSin in this ..L7 fe,which the Scripture intends,is plain from divers exprefs places, Act, 2. 37, 38. When the Apoftle Peter's heart-pierced Hearers cry out, in their Difirefs, What fhall 71X do ? He dire6ts them thus : Repent, and be Baptized, every one ofyouu, for the Renaijfion of Sins, and yefball (he adds) receive the holy Ghof ; for the Promife is to you, and your Children. q. d. Thegreat " Prornife oftheGofpel-Covenant, is " that of the Gift of the Holy Ghoft. It doth not promife you worldly " Wealth, or Eafe, or Riches, or " Honours; but it promifés you that " God will be no longer a Stranger to " you, refufe your Converfe, with- " hold his Spirit from you ; your Souls " {hall lie no longer waft and defolate. But as he hath mercifully approacht " your Spirits, to make them habita- " ble, and fit to receive fo great, and " fo holy an intimate, and to your " Reception whereof; nothing but " unremitted Sin could be any Obftru- " &tion ; as, upon your clofing with " the Terms of the Gospel-Covenant, " by a fincere believing Intuition to- " wards him, whom you have pierced, " and