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Part II. The Living Temple. 443. " and refolving to become Chr inns, " whereof your being Baptiz'd, and " therein taking on Chri{f's Badge,, and ` Cognizance, will be the fit and en- " joyn'd Sign and Token, and by " which federal Rite, Remijion ofSin {hall be openly confirmed, and fo- lemrrly Pealed unto you ; fo. by " that Remifiion of Sin the Bar is re- moved, and nothing can hinder the " Holy Gholi from entrng to take " poifefl'ion of your Souls, as his own rb Temple and Dwelling-place. We. are, by the way, to take notice, that this fulfilling of the Terms of the Cofpel- Covenant is aptly enough, in great part, here expreft by the word Repentance; molt commonly it is by that of Faith. It might as fitly be fig- nify'd by theformer, in this place, if you confider the tenour of the forego- ing Difcourfe, viz. that it remonftra- ted to them their great Wickednefs, in crucifyingChrìft, as a MalefaEtour and Impoior, whom they ought to have believed in, as aSaviour ; now to re- pent of this, was to believe, which yet is more fully expreft, by that which follows, and be Baptized in (or rather. into)