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444 The Living Temple. Part II. into) the name of the Lord yetis aryl. It is in the whole plain, that their Reception of the Holy Ghofl, as a Dwel- ler, Rands in dole Conne&ion, as an immediate Confequent, with their ha- ving their Sins athually remitted, and that, with their repenting their former refufingof Chrift, as theMe,fJiah, their now becoming (brilliant, or taking on CJjrift's Name, whereoftheir being Bap- tized, was to be only the Sign, and the Solemnization oftheir entrance into the Ghriflian State, and, by confequence, a vifible Confirmation ofRemiffion ofSin to then. They are, therefore, dire- c`fed to be Baptized into the Name of the Lord Jefus Chrif, crni747 ava, t,, or unto a Covenant -Surrender of them- feIves to Chriff, whereof their Baptifm was, 'tis true, to be the fignifying To- ken, for the Rernifiîon of Sins, which Remifiìon, therefore, muq be under- ftood, conneeced, not with the fgn, but with the thing, which it fígnify'd. And it was only a more explicite Re- pentance of theirformer Infidelity, and a more explicite Faith, which the Apo- file now exhorts them to, the Inchoa- tion whereof he might already per- ceive, by their concerned Queflion, What