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Part II. The Living Temple, 445 What Pall we do ? Intimating their Willingnefs to do any thing that they ought ; that their Hearts were already overcome and won and that the Ho- ly Chofi had confequeritly began to enter upon them. The Manifefiaton of whofe entrance is elfewhere, as to Perfons Adult, found to be an antece- dent requifite to Baptifm, and made the Argument why it fhould not be withheld, as As 1o. 47. Can any Man forbid that theft fhould not be Baptized, who have received the HolyGhofl, as well as we ? .R.emifJion ofSin therefore, as it fig- nifies giving a Right tofuture Impunity, fignifies giving a Right to the Partici- pation of the Spirit; the withholding whereof was the principal Punifhment to be taken of And as it fignifies the actual taking ofof that Punifhment, it taiu[l connote the ac`lual Communication of the Spirit. Therefore, upon that Faith, which is our entrance into the Gofpel- Covenant, the Curfe, whichwith- held the Spirit, is removed, and fo we receive the Pronife of the Spirit (or the. promifed Spirit) by Faith, as is plain in that before-mentioned, Gal. 3. 13, 14. The