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446 The Living Temple. Part IL The fame Reference of giving (or continuing) the Spirit unroForgivenefs of Sin, we may obferve in that of the Pfalmifl : Hide thy Face from my Sins; and blot out all mine Iniquities. Create in me a clean Heart, and renew a right Spirit withinme. Call me not away front thy Prefnce, and take not thy Holy Spi- ritfro;, me, Pfa. $1.9, I o, I I. Which it is piain was dreaded, and depreca- ted, as the worth of Evils ! But which would be kept off, if Iniquity were blot- ted out. And as to this, there was no more difference in the Cafe, than be- tween one, whofe State was to be re- newed, and one with whom God was fir. li to begin. And that Summary of Spirituall3lengs promifed in the new Covenant, Jerem. 3 r. 3T, 32, &c. and Heb. 8. which all fuppofe, thepromi- fed Gift of the Spirit, it felf, as the Root of them all Iwill put my Lam in their inward Parts, and will write it in their Hearts, &c. is all grounded upon this : For I willforgive their quity, and Iwill remember their Sin no more. When therefore the Punith- ment ofSin is remitted, quoad jus, or a Right is granted to Impunity, the. Spi- rit is, de jure, given ; or a Right is con-