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Part H. The Living Temple. 447 conferr'd unto thisfared Gift. When ae wally (upon that p irht granted) the Punifhment is taken co ; the Spirit is a&wallygiven; the withholding where- of was the principal Puniíhment we were liable to, in this prefent State. And as to JufLifacation, the Cafe can- not differ, which itfelffo little differs from Pardon, that thefame Ac`i is Par- don, being done by God, as a Sove- reign Ruler, acting above Lam, viz. the Law ofWorks ; and Jufiification, being done by him, as fufiaining the Perfon of a judge, according t4 Law, viz. the Lawof Grace. Adoption allo imports the Priviledge conferr'd of being the Sons of God. And what is that Priviledge ? (tor it is more than a name.) that Inch are led by the Spirit of God, Rom. 8. z4. which Spirit is therefore as the peculiar Cogni- fance oftheir State, called the Spirit of Adoption, ver. 15. and forms theirs fuitably thereto. For it was not fit the Sons ofGod fhould have the Spirits of Slaves. 'Tis not the Spirit of Bondage that is given them, as there it is expreCt, but a free generous Spirit; not of fear, as there, and 2 Tim. i . 7. But ofLove and IX,