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448 The Living Temple. Part Ii. and Power, andofaft' und Mind. Moft exprefs is that parallel Text, Gal. 4. Becauf they are Sons, he bath f nt the Spirit ofhis Son into their hearts, that enables them (as allo Rom 8. t 6.fpeaks) tofyAbba, .Father', makes them under- ftand their gate, whofe Sons they are, and who is their Father, and really implants in them all filial Difpofitioni nd 1ffeClions. Wherefore it is moff evident that the Relative Grace of the Covenant on- ly gives a Right to the real Grace ofit ; And that the real Grace communicated in this Life, is all comprehended in the Gift of the Spirit, even that which flows in the external Difpenfations of Providence, not excepted. For as out- wardgood things, or Immunity from outward Afflictions arenot promifed in this New Covenant, further than as they {hall be trulyand fpiritually good for us ; but we are, by the Tenour ofit, left to the Suffering of very {harp Af fliCions, and the Lofs or Want of all worldly Comforts, with affurance, that will turn to our greater Spiritual Advantage 5 fo the Grace and fànelify- ing Influence, that fhall make them do fo, is all from the farne Fountain, the iffuo