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Part II. The Living Temple. 449 iffue of the fame Bleffed Spirit. We only add, That Eternal Life, in the clofe of all, depends upon it not only as the many things, already mention- ed, do fo, that are neceffàry to it. But as it is fignify'd to be itfelf the immedi- ate perpetual Spring thereof: They that fow to the Spirit, (hall [of the Spirit] reap Life everlafiing, Cal. 6. 8. And how plainly bathour Bleffed Lord fig- nify'd the vaft extent of this Gift, when by good things in general, Mat . it. he lets us know he means [the Holy Spirit] Luk. z I. 13. We therefore fee, that this great Gift of the Holy Choft is vouchfafed en- tirely upon the Redeemer's account, and by the Authority of his Office 5 for the building and inhabiting the de- folated temple ofGod with Men. for the rebuilding ofit ; by that Plenipoten- ey, or .abfolute Fulnefs of Power, which, by the Sacrifice of himfelf, he bath obtain'd fhóuld be in him. For the re-inhabiting of it, by ver- tue, and according to the Tenour of that Covenant, now folemnly entred ; and which was eftablifh'd and ratify'd in the Bloodof that fame Sacrifice ; where. in appears the duenefr of it to the Re- g generate