The Living Temple. Part II. nronflration fignifies nothing. There may be more than one (as a Stone, a Tree, an Animal) that agree in the fame gene- ral Attribute of Corporeity, and are diver - fify'd by their fpecial Attributes ; and there may be many ot, the famefpecial At- tribute, (viz, of Rationality) as John, Peter, and Thomas, &c. that are dittin- guiiht by their individual ones. He might as well prove, by thefame Method, the Identity of his Modi, as of Suhfan- ces ; as that there can be but one indivi- dual Triangle, in all the World, of one Attribute, or Property, as but one Subs- fiance. Let (for inftance) one at Paris, another at Vienna, a third at Rome, a fourth at London, defcribe each an Equi- lateral Triangle of the fame Dimenfions, or in a thoufand Places betides; each one of thefe do only make one, and the fame, numerical Triangle, becaufe they have each the fame Attribute. But how are theAttributes of thefefeveral Triangles, the fame ? What ! the fame numerically? Then, indeed, they are all the fame nu merical Triangle : For one, and the fame numerical Effence, makes but one and the farne,numerical Thing.. But who, that is in his right Wits, would fay fo? And if it be only fail, they have all Attributes of one and the fame kind, what then is Confequent,