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4 5 o The Living Temple. Part IL.. generate; or that they have a real right to it, who are born of the Spirit, and have alfo feen the large Amplitude and vaf Comprehenfivenefr of this Gift. We therefore proceed towhat was, in the next place, promifed, and wherein, af- ter what bath been faid, there will need little Enlargement. i. e. X. 2. To give an account (as was pro= poledCh. IX. Sept. VII.) Now highly . reafonable it was the Holy Spirit of God Jhould not be vouclfafedfor thefe purpofes, upon other terms. And this we {hall fee, r . By mentioningbriefly, what we have been fhewingall this while, The vafi Extent and Amplitude of this Gift. Let it, be remembred that the mofl con- fideable part of the Penalty and Curie incurr'd by the Apoflacy, was the withholdingof the Spirit ; Fromwhich Curl, in the whole of it, Chri.i was to redeem us, by being made a Curfe for se. By the fame Curfe alfo, our Title to many other Benefits ceafed, andwas loft, and manyother Miferies were inferr'd upon it. But this one of [being depri- wed ofthe Spirit] did fo far furmount all